Refining manure
Manure fermented with EmFarma Plus™ is the highest quality organic fertilizer and an excellent source of humus for the soil. It can be treated as a microbial inoculant.
Manure should be well pressed (not long ago in well-run farms it was regular practice to press down the pile of manure to eliminate excess oxygen) to ensure that mainly processes with limited oxygen access are taking place.
Then, as a result of the activity of beneficial microorganisms a fast fermentation process occurs. After a few months, manure is practically wel fermented and slowly becomes fragmented, as a result of which it is later easy to load and spread on the field.
Throughout the entire fermentation process, ammonia is not released from the pile while valuable nitrogen is retained in the manure. Any putrefaction processes are eliminated, which means that there are usually no odors associated with theis process (including hydrogen sulfide). Manure does not heat up or produce steam, as fermentation using EmFarma Plus™ takes place at low temperatures and does not require aeration.