ProBio Ceramics are beads made of clay inoculated with probiotics. Natural product.
Certificate: PZH HK/W/0873/01/2013
Certificate: HR/B/97/2013
Certificate: PZH HK/W/0873/01/2013
Certificate: HR/B/97/2013
In appearance, ProBio Ceramics look like porcelain or ceramics coated with enamel. ProBio Ceramics break water down into smaller molecules, as a result the water becomes structured and its energy activated, which improves the quality and taste of the water.
ProBio Ceramics purify and structure water, activate its energy and improve the quality and taste of water.
Modes of application:
- placing them directly in the water in glass, ceramic or plastic containers,
- placing them in various types of filters: household, industrial, water stations, etc.,
- in kettles used to boil water.
Available in the following volumes: 12 pieces, 0,5 kg bag
Price: from 16 zł
Certyfikat HR/B/97/2013